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#Industry News

Flame Weeding is Fire Power for your Farm!

Flame Weeding at your Farm

Propane flame technology is a safe, effective, USDA Organic approved method for controlling weeds and pests in row crops, alfalfa, hemp, tobacco, orchards, blueberries, vineyards, and vegetables. Poultry operations and dairies can also utilize flame by sanitizing their barns and bedding. Commercially available tractor drawn flame weeding equipment is designed to be safe, fully controlled from the cab. It can be scaled to most any size operation. Fueled by clean burning propane, it is environmentally friendly and cost effective.

A carefully directed flame focuses intense heat at weeds without harming desirable plants. One method used in corn and soybeans is early flaming as the crop is beginning to emerge, destroying germinating weeds and surface seeds, allowing the crop to flourish. Pre-emergence flaming works well for slower germinating vegetable crops like carrots or beets. Stale seed bed flaming prior to planting crops like spinach, lettuce or squash reduces the labor cost of hand weeding.

Start early as flaming is most effective when the weeds are small. Do not wait until you have a weed-emergency!

A grower noticed after a few years of flame weeding, a reduction in overall weed pressure. There was only one thing he disliked about his row crop flamer. “What could the problem be?” I asked.

“Well, I wish I had started flaming 15 years earlier!”

For more information on flaming equipment suited to your farming operation, please call Flame Engineering Inc.


  • Crozet, VA 22932, USA
  • Flame Engineering, Inc.