#Industry News
Housing milking robot Lely Center
Cooperation Lely Center
From our loyal customer Lely Center Nancy (France) we received these cool project photos last month. The Combiboard Zeta panel has been used by Lely for many years as housing for the milking robot.
Besides an attractive and smooth finish, the panels offer hygiene, ease of cleaning, insulation and protection around the milking robot.
The Combiboard Zeta panels are easy to process and offer a high degree of flexibility. For example, no heavy material is required to install prefabricated (concrete) elements when renovating existing barns.
The Combiboard Zeta panel is available in thicknesses of 100 and 175 mm with a working width of 33 cm. The panels are produced and delivered in the desired length. In addition, our mounting profiles such as a 90 degree angle and U-profiles offer an efficient and tight finish.