#Farm Machinery & Equipment
The essential tool to maintain the quality of your crops
The baler is an essential machine in the agricultural and livestock world, to keep your crops and fodder.
In Zeppelin Maquinaria we have a baler with different sizes to make layers of different weights: 18-25 kg, 20-35 kg and 40-45 kg.
With a reduced size and weight, this round baler is ideal for use in mountain areas for straw and hay, forming bales to maintain the quality and nutrients of the crop accurately and efficiently.
Without sacrificing power and efficiency, they have a small footprint and are designed to fit small, low-power tractors.
An ideal complement to the baler, which is also available at Zeppelin Maquinaria, is the bale wrapper, which wraps the bale to keep the crop isolated from humidity, thus having a perfectly preserved product.