#Farm Machinery & Equipment
Blueberry & raspberry harvester KAREN
What's happned in Salt lake City?
Last month - we have occasion to present our newest product in Salt Lake City (USA) during the Blueberry Technology Symposium. Weremczuk President - Robert Weremczuk told about KAREN - blueberry and raspberry harvester.
Most of blueberry plantations in Europe are of middle and small size, that's the company decided to lunch the trialed harvester onto market.
Technological solutions applied to the harvester allow effective work and comfortable fruit selection. A high density system of catchers minimizes fruit losses and positively influence the cleaning unit efficiency. There are practically no perceptible vibrations on worker’s stage thanks to our balanced shaking system.
The newest release of harvester KAREN 2018 is design for customers who have high expectations for uncompromising work organization, ability of fruit selection and very high capacity for totes.
The Harvester is equipped in comfortable and effective fruit selection zone with place for 1 or 2 person on each platform responsible for selecting fruits. 50% more capacious conveyors guarantee evenly berries spacing on the conveyors what gives direct impact for perfect conditions for fruits cleaning and selection. Shaking system delicate treats berries and is easily adjusted.
Karen 2018 harvester uses a high density system of catchers with extra long surfaces in front and on the back of shakers’s compartment than any other used in similar harvesters. This solution permits to minimalize fruit loss. The catchers are made of a durable material, the same one as the police shields are made of.
Karen is designed to pick up berry fruits growing on a flat field, on beds, without supports and with T-supports. Full sized shaking tunnel suitable for both large and small bushes. Lightweight construction and wide tires allows you to work with the harvester through the toughest of filed conditions. Adjustment of harvester lifting permits to adapt to a variety of filed type and conditions. Karen needs tight turning place due to using turning wheels.