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#Farm Machinery & Equipment

ACF21p gets better

New 4-blade version

After a year from the market launch of the plastic air circulator fan signed by Termotecnica Pericoli and after the great results achieved in terms of sales and customer satisfaction, our technicians worked to propose a new version.

ACF21p is a cylindrical fan made of plastic material with a high concentration of glass fiber, ideal in all those contexts in which air stratification and a homogeneous temperature in the environment are required such as greenhouses, poultry sheds, industrial plants, etc.

The new 4-blade fan allows you to reach new performance levels.

Monobloc and made of plastic material with a high concentration of glass fibre, it is characterized by its particular design which makes it even more performing. Furthermore, the reduced noise levels facilitate the installation of ACF21p even in contexts where workers are present.

The other characteristics remain unchanged, such as the 21″ diameter and the galvanized steel protection nets suitable for particularly aggressive environments.

Like all Termotecnica Pericoli products, the performances are authentic and BESSlab-certified.


  • Regione Rapalline, 44, 17031 Campochiesa SV, Italy

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