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#Industry News

Why did the laying hens stop laying eggs?

Why did the laying hens stop laying eggs?

There can be several reasons why laying hens stopp laying eggs but with a little bit of detective work, you can normally work out why your birds aren’t laying eggs.Generally speaking, all chickens will stop laying eggs when they go through a moult as the protein that was being used to produce eggs is diverted to feather production. This is usually in late summer / autumn although pullets and cockerels (chickens under one year old) will not normally moult in their first year.

Here are some reasons why chickens stop laying eggs:

1. Moult – Feathers are 80% protein so during feather growth, protein is diverted from egg production.

2.Insufficient light – Chickens ideally need 14-16 hours per day. Typically laying hens stop laying eggs between late September and February in the UK.

3.Incorrect diet – Fat hens don’t lay eggs! Feeding too much mixed corn for example will cause excess weight and provide insufficient protein. There is more detailed information about Feeding Chickens here.

4.Age – Hens lay less as they get older.

5.Health – Poor general health can stop them laying. Red Mite in the chicken coop feeding from them at night is a common cause of anaemia in hens.

6.Disease – underlying disease can affect the quality of eggs as well as laying ability.

7.Stress – Moving hens, a water shortage or a scare from a predator are common causes of stress.

8.Broodiness – Hens will sit on a nest and will stop laying eggs for 5 to 10 weeks.

9.Other factors

Of the other factors that can stop a hen from laying, the most common are broodiness, stress, lice, red mite, and even severe weather conditions.

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  • Qing Wei Lu, Jimo, Qingdao Shi, Shandong Sheng, China
  • Farmingport