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#Industry News

Bee Friendly

Farmers are buzzing about new planting regulations to protect the world’s bee population.

When Canadian beekeepers reported an unusually high volume of bee losses in recent years, studies were conducted seeking answers. Several issues were identified as potential causes, with a number of studies placing the blame on the exhaust of vacuum planters used to seed insecticide-treated corn and soybeans.

Health Canada indicated in its “Reducing Risk from Treated Seed” publication, “The use of pneumatic seeders for planting corn may increase dust exposure to pollinators. Some planter models can have exhaust vents that are directed away from the ground and into the air and may operate with high air pressures, thus emitting more dust from the planter into the air.” 1

Great Plains bee friendly Air-Pro Meter

The patented Great Plains Air-Pro® Meter, available now on all Yield-Pro Planters, directs exhaust toward the ground rather than the atmosphere to help protect bees from insecticide-tainted dust.

It was determined that corn and soybean seed treated specifically with neonicotinoid insecticides was likely associated with the rise in bee kills. According to another document released by Health Canada last year, “Research indicates that use of vacuum (i.e., negative pressure) planters poses a significant risk of pollinator exposure from drift of insecticide-containing dust exhausted from these planters.” 2

The neonicotinoid chemicals separate from treated seed and attach to excess planter talc, which is exhausted into the atmosphere. The poisonous planter exhaust lands on nearby foliage and contaminates the pollen, which is carried back to the beehive. Ultimately, the contamination kills off much of the bee colony, causing major problems for beekeepers.

To address this worldwide bee issue, several government entities have released mandates and planting guidelines to protect pollinators from poisonous planter exhaust. While some countries have already implemented laws regarding this issue, several others, including the United States, may not be far behind.

European farmers have been banned from using neonicotinoid insecticide-treated seed, and areas of Canada and the United States are currently considering similar measures. Additionally, European vacuum planter manufacturers are required to add deflectors to planter fan exhausts so dust is discharged within 20 inches of the ground. Deflecting the exhaust prevents talc from entering the atmosphere and landing on foliage near the planted field.

Health Canada’s Pest Management Regulatory Agency (PMRA) released “Best Management Practices (BMPs) for Responsible Use of Insecticide-Treated Seed.” They banned the use of talc in corn and soybean planting, and determined the Fluency Agent by Bayer CropScience is the only accepted seed lubricant and talc substitute. “When using a seed flow lubricant for planting corn or soybean seed treated with neonicotinoid insecticides clothianidin, thiamethoxam or imidacloprid, only the Fluency Agent by Bayer CropScience is permitted to minimize the potential for abrasion that produces insecticidal seed dust.” 3

Great Plains Air-Pro Meter Graphic

The patented Great Plains Air-Pro® Meter utilizes a positive air flow system to discharge exhaust directly toward, and in close proximity to, the ground.

PMRA also advises all Canadian farmers to install the exhaust-deflector equipment required in Europe to direct insecticide-tainted dust into the ground. Many ag equipment manufacturers have responded to these guidelines by developing planter exhaust attachments to prevent pollinator exposure to planter exhaust from neonicotinoid-treated seed.

Great Plains, a Kansas-based equipment manufacturer, specializes in the design and manufacturing of seeding equipment, in addition to seedbed preparation and nutrient application tools.

Great Plains Yield-Pro® Planters are already compliant with many pollinator protection regulations, without expensive additions, revisions, or field kits. Available on all Yield-Pro Planters, the patented Great Plains Air-Pro® Meter utilizes a positive air flow system to discharge exhaust directly toward, and in close proximity to, the ground, rather than up into the atmosphere.

Seed is loaded in the disc with pressurized air, and air flow is provided to each unit by a single, hydraulically driven fan. The fan maintains consistent meter pressure, as controlled by the IntelliAg™ Controller. The Air-Pro Meter has an extensive list of disc options for planting corn, soybeans, milo, sunflowers, cotton, wheat, sugar beets, and canola.

Additionally, Great Plains Yield-Pro Planters were successfully tested with the Bayer Fluency Agent required by Health Canada, further reducing the amount of dust discharged from the planter. Every Yield-Pro Planter is distinguished with a “Bee Friendly” decal, emphasizing Great Plains’ commitment to pollinator protection and sustainable agriculture.

As this global issue grows, now is the time to equip your farm with a bee friendly planter. While some equipment manufacturers continue to adapt their planters to comply with federal guidelines, Great Plains bee friendly planters are available now.

Bee Friendly


  • 375 8th Rd, Bushton, KS 67427, USA
  • Great Plains Ag