#Industry News
What a Waste
C&D waste contributes to over 600 million tons of waste each year. If all this waste were put into trucks, it would circle the world three times! As you can see, C&D waste is enormous. So how can you do your part in reducing the tonnage?
The answer is simple, recycle. As we all know, this is much easier said than done. Recycling even the most recyclable material can be costly and laborious. At times it may require specialized equipment or cost more than simply disposing of it.
MB Crusher is well aware of these obstacles and has aimed to make a difference in recycling/upcycling reusable material. As so, we have dedicated our approach to building attachments that can help tackle these obstacles with units that can create new materials out of existing reusable materials.
For example, one of our customers in the US, a large concrete manufacturer, needed a solution to handle his ever-growing waste concrete stockpile. He knew there was money to be made in recycling the waste concrete but only wanted to invest a manageable amount of money in new machinery. He turned to MB Crusher for the solution. He purchased a BF135.8 crusher bucket and rapidly began to eat away at his stockpile by crushing it directly on-site. Our customers not only kept tons and tons of concrete waste out of landfills but also turned the now-recycled material into a new revenue stream.
Sure, concrete in itself may not be the most challenging material to recycle, but what happens when it is reinforced concrete you are dealing with? Now you have doubled the materials that can be reused. But the obstacle of doing so also doubled, as reinforced concrete can create a nightmare of a situation to recycle, let alone separate unless you have the right tools.
Take a look at our customer who purchased a BF90.4 crusher bucket. He processed the reinforced concrete by crushing the concrete off of the rebar and then separating them. Simply and quickly and only using the excavator, he already owned.
But what about other challenging building materials? Like bricks. We know they are recyclable but require extensive processing, right? Actually, no. Similar to our example above, you can accomplish seemingly difficult tasks easily with the right tool. Like our customer who purchased our BF120.4 crusher bucket and turned his excavator into a recycling centre, and crushed his stockpile of bricks directly on-site.
MB crusher offers a variety of attachments that can help our customer base overcome the obstacles of repurposing their C&D waste. We focus on creating viable, cost-effective, and, most importantly, simple solutions. How? By making sure the attachments work on our customers' job sites with the heavy machines they already own.