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#Industry News

Maxxi knives and their contribution to the pulp and paper sector

Best Woodchipping Knives in the Market

Did you know that a certain sector of Brazilian industry , considered the fourth most productive in the world , has a direct contribution from Infasul ? This is the pulp and paper sector , which in the country employs at least 130 thousand direct workers and generates another 640 thousand indirect jobs, with more than 200 companies spread across almost all Brazilian states.

While the national pulp industry is the fourth largest in the world, the paper industry is the ninth in the ranking of world manufacturers. And both have their production increased with the use of correct industrial knives for production . And that is exactly where Infasul makes a concrete contribution to the sector .

We produce industrial knives, toothed segments and counter-knives that act on wood logs, cut into small particles called chips (chips), in addition to equipment for paper mills , with the cutting of the continuous sheet into smaller sheets . And our great highlight are the Maxxi Knives , developed for processing wood of any origin.

Its use is ideal in disc chippers , within the pulp sector . They are made of high-alloy steel, with heat treatment, which results in a differentiated structure, in addition to having nanoparticles. Maxxi knives are also high performance knives, with greater resistance to wear by abrasion, resulting from wood contaminants, such as sand and others.

In some successful cases, such as that of a pulp giant in northeastern Brazil , Maxxi provided a yield 3 times greater than traditional knives. The company had a gain of 36 days of availability in the wood chipping area , cost reduction of more than R$ 300 thousand, and production increase of 274 thousand cubic meters of cut wood.

And how did Maxxi Knives present these results? Needing fewer sharpening sessions, less wear, greater resistance and fewer machine stops for knife changes. This is one of the solutions we offer to improve your pulp and paper industry .


  • RS-240 - Scharlau, São Leopoldo - RS, Brazil
  • Infasul

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