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#Farm Machinery & Equipment

Dramiński Coffee moisture measuring - TG pro coffee & cocoa

Precise coffee and cocoa moisture meter with sample compression. Ideal for coffee and cocoa production, processing, storage and transport.

TwistGrain Pro Coffee & Cocoa stands out as an essential tool for coffee and cocoa importers, exporters, coffee roasters, cafes, and baristas who prioritize quality. The grain moisture meter with sample compression proves highly beneficial throughout the entire cycle of production, processing, storage, and transportation of the evaluated grains. Vigilance against grain moisture is paramount, as it directly influences the flavor, aroma, and longevity of both coffee and cocoa beans.

Our device is used at every stage of coffee and cocoa production, such as:

during the parchment coffee drying process

during the green coffee drying and storage

during roasting and storage of ground coffee

Some of the features:

– 2″ LCD display with LED backlight

– 50,000 measurements with date and time

– 20 external temperature probes recognised automatically by ID number

– various language versions

400 varietiesreal-time clock,

– saving measurements to memory (with date, time and sample number),

– data transmission to a computer,

– memory status preview,

– battery status preview,

– temperature measurement with external probe,

– change of operating mode (standard/advanced),

– modification of moisture indications,

– adding new varieties with special codes,

– average result calculation,

– automatic temperature compensation,

– pop-up menu,

– display operating parameter settings,

– language selection,

– temperature scale selection,

– automatic shutdown time change,

– data and software update,

– special software for managing data stored in the computer (generating reports, spreadsheets, graphs, printouts)


  • Wiktora Steffena 21, 11-036 Sząbruk, Poland

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